Tuesday, February 2, 2010

chanel spring 2010 couture

First of all the hair is amazing, ever since I saw Whip It with Kristen Wiig's beautiful lavender streaks I've wanted pastel high lights but since I go to private school and it's against the rules i'll have to wait until summer.. but anyway.. I also loved the metallic, silvery tights but the outfits were just nice, not jaw dropping, not ah-mazing but still good and enjoyable for my eyes to daze at. I liked the crystal embellishments and the ruffles, but a few of the looks just made me think 'what?' as if maybe they were pulled together too fast. The second picture from the top is my favorite because mini dresses are so fun but, this has more of an elegant twist to it.


Anonymous said...

I agree I love the hair and the big bow so beautiful. My favourite was the third piece so lovely.
By the way I got my blog background at Shabby Blogs (it took me ages to figure out how to do it.
I made my header picture on paint, though.
Thanks for checking out my blog though
I'll try to become a regular at yours
From Dolly at


Isabella Kiss said...

the shiny suit was quite something.
and i like the pastel streaks, too.