Monday, July 30, 2012

"One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain." — Bob Marley

Nothing irks me more than someone who doesn't feel that music's  important. Music is important, damn it. It makes you happy. And how many things today besides people can make you happy? Close to nothing. If it wasn't for these guys I would of just continued to wallow in teenage wasteland where pop stars are life, I'd be a completely different person. I'm sure of it.

It changes mood, for me it changed my personality, it just completely affects you. And I'm glad it happened to me, exactly when I needed it to. Right in the middle of junior high when everyone was listening to Lady Gaga I was obsessed with Jim Morrison and Led Zeppelin. But everyone's different, dude I get it.

But I'm just saying, man, thank you! Like this is a personal letter to Julian Casablancas and Bob Dylan and Jimmy Page and all of the other great people who changed my life, just thank you. Because I'd probably be a total asshole if it wasn't for you guys.

On second thought, let's scratch out the probably, I would be a total asshole. I'd probably still be talking about my favorites from iTunes top ten and being so seventeen and normal which is a huge 'no thanks' in my book.

So, thanks dudes.

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