"Lets bump some Springsteen and get this fuckin' party started!"
One thing I've noticed lately is that it's become increasingly more difficult to decipher who's hip and who's just a dad. It's honestly a great trend because now dads all across America will suddenly look really cool without trying and they can all crack dad jokes about how they're the 'original cool' and that 'all the kids' are paying a costly price to dress like them. The cool part in this trend is that now, you, can live out your dad dream without the burden of children!
So, what kind of dad do you want to be?
There's three basic types of American dads.
You've got the band dads, the dads that are still stuck living out their dream of a having a famous 70's rock band. These dads wear band shirts, jeans, cargo shorts on the weekend and Birkenstocks unless its winter in which case its time to break out the old Nikes. Although Birkenstocks and old beat up band shirts (that they actually got from going to the concert and not at Forever21, kids) are the absolute staples of a band dad. These dads also love going to beer festivals and are proud as hell to let their son use their garage for band practice. They're also the kind of dad you can smoke with as long as you don't tell mom.
The next kind of dad is what I like to call 'the classic Baby Boomer'. The classic Baby Boomer's are simple as hell. They like three things: Hanes t-shirts, Levi 501's, and Nikes. That's literally it. They've bought the same kind of underwear for the past twenty years and don't give a shit about what you think. When they're not wearing a plain colored tee, a Hawaiian shirt from Kohl's, or representing their favorite football team you can bet you'll find them in a shirt they bought at the souvenir shop from their last family vacation. These dads are also the kinda guys to sport a "Politically Incorrect and Proud of It!" bumper sticker on the back of their 2011 Toyota Corolla.
The last kind of dad is the 'average dude', you know the ones that graduated high school in 1991 but like to talk about how old they are? Those guys. They love sporty sunglasses, usually drive trucks, and love fitting in with the kids and watching Family Guy. They take their kids dirt biking on the weekends, love paint balling and sharing their political views via shared posts on Facebook. The average dude wears baseball hats, Vans, plaid button-ups, irrelevant t-shirts that they bought on their road trip across America, and jeans.
The cool thing about this trend as well is all you really have to do to ace this look is raid your dads closet or go to Goodwill. Now go crack a Budweiser and plan your next fishing trip!
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