Sunday, November 16, 2014

a new chapter

Moving into a new chapter in my life always comes with anxiety. I'm always filled with nerves until I settle into my new chapter. I'm constantly thinking that life will go terribly bad for me and that nothing will be alright but somehow.. everything , always, always works out. I get sad quite frequently and people will ask "Why?" Why am I sad? Because I am so blessed and apparently  live such ' a great life ' I am not allowed to feel anything other than beaming happiness 24/7. But no we are all humans.. We all feel things and go through emotions and thoughts. Just because you have a roof over your head does not mean you have no right to feel pain or sadness or heartache. This is what people forget.
And people will try to drive it out of you what it is that makes you sad and sometimes you will just not know. Sometimes sadness will wash over you completely with no warning or cause. It will fill you up and pull you under, drowning you but it won't have a particular rhyme or reason. Sadness happens, it's part of human nature. Things don't go how we planned for them to go , things hardly ever do and because of that sometimes we feel sad. It's human nature to think our lives will be a certain way, we spend our time trying to put ourselves on the right track, as if happiness is a one-way destination but it simply will never be so. It is a journey with a lot of changes in route, a lot of stops along the way and by the time you get there it's probably still not exactly what you expected it to be but hell, you're still happy because you made it there regardless, right? What I'm trying to say is we all misshape life, we all expect things to be better and easier, somehow we all hold on to high hopes but no matter what; everything will work out. 

What I'm trying to say is that no one has the right to belittle ones emotions. We are all humans, we have the tendency to think much, much more than we really should. So, when you're sad don't think too much about it, it's natural. And when your friend or your mom or your loved one is sad, please don't think about it too much. It's natural.

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